Cordillera Regional Apiculture Center
Km. 6, La Trinidad, Benguet
2601 Philippines
A premier regional apiculture center established for human, material and natural resources development for a competitive apiculture industry.
To educate and train would-be beekeepers, apiculturists, and other stakeholders, conduct researches, and extend technologies towards the development of apiculture in the region in collaboration with the concerned government agencies/institutions, non-government organizations/private sector and other apiculture/beekeeping stakeholders
To establish apiculture/beekeeping as a sustainable households’ complimentary source of income that is integrated into the farming systems in the region.
- Enhance the capabilities of human resources of collaborating agencies/institutions for the effective implementation of the beekeeping development in the region;
- Undertake researches and technology innovations to address specific concerns of beekeeping in the region;
- Initiate establishment of Provincia Apiculture Satellite Centers in the provinces of Abra, Apayao, Ifugao, Mt. Province and Kalinga based at concerned State Universities/Colleges in each province;
- Establish queen rearing and production projects in strategic locations of the region;
- Strengthen the honey processing, packaging, marketing centers, production volume, product diversification and development of business models, in strategic locations of the region;
- Coordinate service assistance (eg. technical, financial, trainings/conventions, and other extended to be beekeepers and stakeholders); and
- Conduct periodic monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of beekeeping development programs in the region.
- Apiculture Research and Technology Innovation Division
- Conducts researches on apiculture and other related studies
- Conducts bee breeding programs
- Designs, develops and tests low-cost tools and machineries needed in beekeeping
- Apiary Management and Colony Production Division
- Establish of demonstration apiary
- Establish provincial satellite centers
- Produce of colonies for research needs of the center
- Produce of queens and colonies for dispersal
- Maintain breeder queens for queen rearing purposes
- Bee Product Processing and Diversification Division
- Develop and expand bee products
- Develop and expand bee products processing and utilization
- Design and develop low-cost and efficient harvesting and processing tools, machineries and facilities
- Training and Extension Division
- Conduct/coordinate training and extension program
- Conduct conferences, symposia and seminars in beekeeping
- Develop and publish IEC materials on beekeeping
- Pilot and showcase appropriate technologies in beekeeping
- Provide expert services to beekeepers/visitors and other clients