Benguet State University (BSU) has formalized its partnerships with the Local Government Units (LGUs) of Bokod and Buguias to implement health-related programs by signing Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) on February 6-7, 2025 at the Office of the President.
The University’s partnership with the LGU of Bokod was formalized on February 6, 2025, while its collaboration with the LGU of Buguias was formalized on February 7, 2025. These MOA signings were led by BSU President Kenneth A. Laruan, Bokod Mayor Hon. Thomas K. Wales Jr., and Buguias Mayor Hon. Ruben L. Tinda-an. The witnesses included VP for Academic Affairs Janet P. Pablo, University and Board Secretary Lynn G. Talkasen, Faculty Regent Darwin A. Basquial, Attorney IV Reynante B. Basco, and College of Medicine (COM) Dean Dr. Ruel Revilla.
BSU and the two LGUs will collaborate on the development, planning, implementation, and evaluation of community-based health programs in the municipalities of Bokod and Buguias.
BSU, through its colleges offering health-related programs such as the Natural Sciences, Nursing, Home Economics and Technology, and the soon-to-be-established College of Medicine, will spearhead the conduct of the programs.
This partnership offers invaluable experiential learning opportunities for BSU students enrolled in BS Biology, BS Chemistry, BS Nursing, BS Nutrition and Dietetics, and future Doctor of Medicine students. Students will gain experience and develop the competencies of a professional healthcare provider and/or physician for the Philippine Healthcare System.//EBawayan