Seven candidates vying as the eighth president of Benguet State University (BSU) presented their plans for the university during the Public Presentation and Forum held at the University Gymnasium on October 21, 2024.

The forum was led by Ryan L. Eztevez, Chair of the Search Committee for President. The event aimed to provide the academic community with a platform to hear the presidential candidates’ visions, plans, and programs. It also served as an avenue for constituencies to raise concerns and issues that the future BSU president would need to address.

After the presentation of the program mechanics by Estevez, the candidates shared their visions and missions for BSU, aiming to transform the university into a leading institution both locally and globally.

Stanley Fongafong Anongos Jr., Professor V and Dean of the College of Social Sciences at BSU, envisions BSU as a globally recognized university that integrates international perspectives with local heritage for world citizenship.

Freddie Bencio Caday, Professor IV and VP for Administration at Ifugao State University (IFSU), aims for BSU to become a leading international university with premier centers of academic excellence, research innovations, and cultural heritage.

Eva Marie Codamon-Dugyon is the incumbent President of IFSU. She envisions BSU as a Reputable, Innovative, Sustainable, and world-class university marked by Excellence and transformative education (BSU, aRISE).

Jesson Yagyagen Del-amen, Associate Professor I at the College of Agriculture at BSU, aims for BSU as a University Nurturing Competitive Research and Education.

Jimmy Balud Fong, Professor VIII and Dean of the College of Arts and Communication at the University of the Philippines (UP) Baguio, envisions BSU as an innovative university relevant to Benguet and the world.

Kenneth Alip Laruan, Professor VI and Director of the Cordillera Regional Apiculture Center at BSU, aims for BSU to become a premier university in research, technology, and environmental conservation in Northern Luzon by 2032.

Mark Preston Sumcad Lopez, Professor V and VP for Academic Affairs at Mountain Province State University (MPSU), envisions BSU as a premier university that generates synergy and an impetus for educational excellence and transcends international and intergenerational avenues toward global distinction.

Following the presentation of their visions, the candidates participated in an open forum with students, faculty, non-teaching staff, alumni, and community representatives. Another question-and answer session through draw lots was followed.

The event concluded with the closing remarks by Felipe Salaing Comila, the current university president. //EBawayan