The Regional Agri-Aqua Innovation System Enhancement (RAISE) Program team from Caraga State University visited the Agri-Based Technology Business Incubator/Innovation Center (ATBI/IC) at Benguet State University (BSU) last June 20, 2024. The initiative was to gain insights into the operations and management of a Technology Business Incubator (TBI), crucial for Project 3 of the RAISE Program, aimed at establishing a Regional Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubator (ATBI) in Caraga.

During their visit, the team was warmly welcomed by VP for Research and Extension, Roscinto Ian C. Lumbres. Also present were Ruth C. Diego, the RAISE program leader in CAR, along with staff from Projects 1, 2, and 3.

The visit included a learning session where both teams exchanged ideas. Discussions covered various topics including challenges, learning points, services offered, policies, strategies, and support systems in managing an ATBI.

This collaborative exchange provided the Caraga team with valuable insights and knowledge that will be instrumental in the successful implementation of their own ATBI.//BTayaban, MBugtong (BSTM OJT), & CWaclin (BSTM OJT)