1. Preventive Care
    1. Pre-enrolment Physical Examination for incoming college freshman, incoming graduate school students and old returning students
    2. Pre-deployment Physical Examination for students going for On the Job trainings
    3. Pre-event Physical Examination for athletes and coaches
    4. Pre-employment Physical Examination for new employees
  1. Curative Care
    1. Consultation and follow-up check-ups
    2. First aid for curriculum, work and sports related injuries
    3. Referrals to medical specialists/hospitals
    4. Provision of free medicines for the first two(2) days of treatment
  1. Diagnostic care /  Laboratory tests
    1. Blood chemistry
    2. Complete Blood Count and Platelet Count
    3. Blood Typing
    4. Urinalysis
    5. Fecalysis
  1. Health Promotion
    1. Periodic inspection of schools canteens
    2. Periodic inspection of comfort rooms
    3. Annual water analysis
  1. Health Education covering the following topics
    1. Dengue Fever Awareness
    2. HIV Aids
    3. Drug Addiction
    4. Alcoholism
    5. Respiratory Tract Infections
    6. Oral Health
  1. Issuance of Medical Certificates for the following purposes:
    1. Readmission to class
    2. For athletic events participation
    3. Scholarship
    4. Pre-employment
    5. On the Job Training/Practice Teaching/ Internship
    6. Field Trips/Practicum
    7. Pre-enrolment
  1. Extension Services to the External Campuses

* Immediate dependents refer to spouses of employees and their children 18 years old and below