- Preventive Care
- Pre-enrolment Physical Examination for incoming college freshman, incoming graduate school students and old returning students
- Pre-deployment Physical Examination for students going for On the Job trainings
- Pre-event Physical Examination for athletes and coaches
- Pre-employment Physical Examination for new employees
- Curative Care
- Consultation and follow-up check-ups
- First aid for curriculum, work and sports related injuries
- Referrals to medical specialists/hospitals
- Provision of free medicines for the first two(2) days of treatment
- Diagnostic care / Laboratory tests
- Blood chemistry
- Complete Blood Count and Platelet Count
- Blood Typing
- Urinalysis
- Fecalysis
- Health Promotion
- Periodic inspection of schools canteens
- Periodic inspection of comfort rooms
- Annual water analysis
- Health Education covering the following topics
- Dengue Fever Awareness
- HIV Aids
- Drug Addiction
- Alcoholism
- Respiratory Tract Infections
- Oral Health
- Issuance of Medical Certificates for the following purposes:
- Readmission to class
- For athletic events participation
- Scholarship
- Pre-employment
- On the Job Training/Practice Teaching/ Internship
- Field Trips/Practicum
- Pre-enrolment
- Extension Services to the External Campuses
* Immediate dependents refer to spouses of employees and their children 18 years old and below