BSU as an International Smart University engendering graduates to walk the intergenerational highways

BSU cares to: Challenge Innovation, Advance Technology and Facilities, Revitalize Administration, Engender Partnership, and Serve Intergenerational Role

Goals & Objectives
Goal I: Challenge Innovation in the four-fold functions of the University
1. (Instruction) To provide quality education responsive to the needs of time
2. (Research) To enhance research productivity contributing to sustainable development
3. (Extension) To disseminate relevant research outputs and other scholarly activities consistent with BSU’s mandated programs
4. (Production) To promote sustainable and appropriate resource generation strategies for the implementation of development plans
5.  (Administration) To advocate for resource management and effective energy efficiency in addressing the demands of climate change

Goal II: Advance Technology and Facility by shaping the University become responsive to modern needs
1. (Instruction) To use information and communication technology learning resources to sustain and enhance quality of alternative teaching – learning continuity endeavors
2. (Research and Extension) To upgrade facilities and enable researchers/extensionists to conduct activities using specialized facilities
3. (Production) To acquire and update state-of-the-art facilities in the projects innovation
4. (Administration) To upgrade facilities and establish modern physical infrastructures

Goal III: Revitalize Administration by harmonizing performance monitoring, information, and reporting systems
1. To elevate the BSU PRIME-HRM to a level of excellence for good governance and efficient public service
2. To reinforce transparency, integrity, and objectivity in the delivery of service
3. To regenerate instruction, research, extension, production, linkages, governance, management, and policies
4. To streamline operations to be efficient, effective, and responsive to challenges and changes

Goal IV: Engender Partnership by proactively strengthening linkages
1. (Instruction) To establish academic partnerships with local, regional, national and international institutions providing educational opportunities for faculty, staff, and students
2. (Research) To increase and sustain university relations with academe, industries, GOs, NGOs, and LGUs for research funding
3. (Extension) To increase and sustain partnership with academe, LGUs, NGOs, industries, and others
4. (Production) To comply with existing laws, policies and other requirements

Goal V: Serve Intergenerational Role by revitalizing the Spiritual, Physical, Economical, Cultural, Intellectual, Emotional, and Social (S.P.E.C.I.E.S.) state
1. To offer programs that embody social, cultural, economical and developmental needs both for local and global markets
2. To champion local culture and languages in the University context through research, extension, and academic programs
3. To document best practices of the University