As part of the Benguet State University 39th Charter Anniversary Celebration, the Benguet State University Government Employees Association, Incorporated (BSUGEAI) in collaboration with the College of Human Kinetics organized the Fun Ride and Fun Bike events on January 16 and 17, 2025.

The events aimed to promote health and fitness, strengthen camaraderie, and encourage healthy lifestyles while providing a fun experience for the participants. Over 324 employees, students, alumni, and community members participated in the activities.

“This year’s routes for the fun ride and fun bike were shorter compared to the university’s previous events. I think this is a move in the right direction as it allowed more of the community members to participate. I had fun mingling with my fellow enthusiasts! I deeply appreciate the efforts of the organizers and everybody involved for coming up with activities like these,” said Naycer Jeremy G. Tulas, one of the participants.

BSUGEA President Donato M. Wanawan expressed his gratitude to the organizers and all who joined for their continuous support and active participation.//PGadang