BSU exceeds national passing rate in Guidance Counselors Licensure Exam

Benguet State University (BSU) has achieved a passing rate of 80% in the August 2024 Guidance Counselors Licensure Examination (GCLE) conducted by the Philippine Regulation Commission. It exceeded the national passing rate of 58.63%.

The newly licensed guidance counselors from BSU, all first-time examinees, include Ryan Paul T. Dicos, Heber K. Layag, Kendrick Adrian I. Wanawan, and Manny P. Cosme.

College of Teacher Education Dean Divina M. Yango was delighted about the licensure exam results. She believed that the college prepared their students and was optimistic about the results.

Yango and Donna Claire Colinang, one of the MAG faculty members, shared the college’s best practices that contributed to the university’s performance in the GCLE. It included an effective curriculum, faculty competencies, in-depth instruction activities, and conduct of extension activities for students’ exposure.

“We assure that the curriculum aligns with the Master of Arts in Guidance (MAG) competency. There is a curriculum review being done and the contents are also evaluated by the teachers and experts. I think that’s a big factor that contributed to the board exam result,” said Yango, emphasizing that the effective curriculum and teacher’s commitment and expertise have significantly contributed to achieving high ratings in the exam.

Colinang emphasized the importance of both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in passing the GCLE. She added that the college focuses on both aspects that would equip students with the necessary competencies to excel in the field. “In teaching, students not only learn theories but also how to apply these theories,” she said.

To further enhance BSU's performance in future GCLEs, Yango stated that the college is committed to providing additional support to re-takers and encouraging aspiring guidance counselors to strive for excellence and able to apply their profession.

The University has consistently surpassed the national passing rate in GCLE since 2015.//EBawayan