DOST - PCAARRD monitors and evaluates RAISE-CAR Program

Personnel from the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources (DOST-PCAARRD) led by Technology Transfer and Promotions Division (TTPD) Director Noel A. Catibog conducted a monitoring, evaluation, and pre-terminal review of the Regional Agri-Aqua Innovation System Enhancement (RAISE) Program Phase 1 in CAR during May 9 and 10, 2024.

The RAISE Program, which began in 2022, is the latest technology transfer platform of the DOST-PCAARRD. Its purpose is to foster collaboration between regional stakeholders and build a competitive agri-aqua innovation ecosystem.

In the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), Benguet State University (BSU), Ifugao State University (IFSU), and Apayao State College (ASC) are currently implementing the program.

On day one, the project leaders of the four projects under the program presented their accomplishments. Project 1 Leader Cynthia D. Garambas presented the Regional Intellectual Property-Technology Business Management (IPTBM) with member institutes in the Cordillera Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Resources Research and Development (CorCAARRD).

Project 2 Leader Karen B. Gaerlan followed with her presentation on the Regional Agribusiness Hub in the CorCAARRD; Project 3 Leader Ruth C. Diego on the Regional Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubation in the CorCAARRD; and Project 4 Leader Jocelyn Perez on the Regional Knowledge Management Enhancement in the Member Institutions of the CorCAARRD.

Director Catibog, Ranzelle A. Pasang, and Dannah Jean C. Mendoza of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) team reviewed and gave their comments and suggestions during the Q and A in-between presentations.

Afterward, RAISE Program Leader Diego also presented the consolidated overall accomplishment and the catch-up activities before the program implementation concludes on June 30, 2024. A writeshop on the Phase 2 Proposal Packaging was then presented and facilitated the following day.

VP for Research and Extension Roscinto Ian C. Lumbres and DOST-PCAARRD Director Catibog commended the event, expressing their goodwill on the positive ways forward for the program. Dr. Diego then closed the event with the assurance of taking into consideration every suggestion.
Also present in the activity are Abra State Institute of Science and Technology (ASIST) and DOST-CAR representatives – both expressing their commitment and support for the program.

Previously the DOST-PCAARRD TTPD M & E team and BSU RAISE Program team also conducted a monitoring and evaluation of its Project 1 Subprojects at IFSU and ASC on May 6-7, 2024. //CANapiloy