The College of Arts and Humanities started as the Department of Humanities in the College of Arts and Sciences. The BOR Approval took place on July 16, 2021, while it was operational on January 2, 2021. It is composed of Department of Arts and Communication, Department of English, and Department of Filipino.

Transcending human potentials through arts and letters
 (approved on Jan.5, 2022 CAH Acad Council Mtg)

1. To provide relevant instruction in the languages, arts, and communication that would develop interculturally competent, value-driven, creative and critical-thinking lifelong learners. (revised  and approved during the EXECOM mtg on Jan.24,2022)

2. To conduct research(es) and extension services on languages, arts, and communication responsive to the needs of the changing times towards sustainable development and knowledge building.

3. To establish and strengthen local and international linkages for the promotion of glocal culture, languages, and arts towards the creation of a community of practice.


❑ Department of Arts and Communication
To provide exceptional learning environment in communication and arts in order to engage students in lifelong learning.
-To establish state of the art facilities that allow students to have holistic learning experience. 
-To cultivate a classroom culture that encourages cooperative and inclusive learning.

To conduct research and extension in communication and  arts which are consistent with the needs of the community 
-Conduct communication and media research and evaluation using appropriate approaches and methods
-Disseminate research outputs 

To establish and strengthen partnerships with different industries to foster opportunities for student enrichment 

-To provide opportunities for students’ exposure in multidisciplinary and intercultural set-up
-To hone skills of the students to have a clear grasp of local, national, and global development issues and agenda

College of Arts and Humanities
CAS Main Building, Room 201
Km. 5, La Trinidad, Benguet
2601 Philippines
Phone Number: +63.919.0919.7018