The College of Numeracy and Applied Sciences was formally created on November 8, 2021, through BOR Res. No. 202, series of 2021. It is comprised of three (3) departments namely; Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics. Currently, the college is offering two (2) undergraduate programs and four (4) advanced studies programs. These are the BS in Mathematics, BS in Statistics, MA in Mathematics, MA in Applied Statistics, MA in Physics, and MA in General Science.
1. Promote programs that are responsive to the demands of time through innovative instructional practices in the field of Numeracy and Applied Sciences.
2. Establish and strengthen collaborative research and extension activities toward advancing technology for sustainable development.
3. Produce globally competitive graduates who are gender-sensitive and imbued with values toward cultural and environmental preservation.
4. Sustain and broaden local and international partnerships and linkages.
The Dean
College of Numeracy and Applied Statistics
Km. 5, La Trinidad, Benguet
2601 Philippines
eMail: cnas.dean@bsu.edu.ph