A. Co-Curricular Activities:
1. Nutrition Month Celebration – Held every July with the purpose of enhancing awareness of the citizenry on the importance of proper nutrition. Activities include Launching and Culminating Programs, Health and Nutrition Fair and various contests.
2. Culminating Programs for Certain Classes:
a) Fashion Show – conducted towards the end of summer classes for Creative Clothing Design subject in which the students showcase their personally-designed costumes
b) Bar Simulation Activity – Students enrolled in Bartending operate a Mini-Bar where interested individuals can avail of cocktail drinks at a minimal price. This usually takes place towards the end of the first semester.
c) Display of Bakery Products – done towards the end of the first semester, the students enrolled in Baking prepare and sell fancy bakery products which are displayed for sale at the CHET lobby and/or RSDC Cafeteria.
d) Banquet/Function – Every end of the semester, students enrolled in catering and foodservice classes sell tickets for a selected meal for those interested to taste their prepared recipes.
e) AET/BSET OJT Culminating Dinner - Industry partners are recognized in this activity. Students who have outstanding performances are also given recognition. The certificates of completion of the student trainees are also given out by the industry partners themselves.
3. Annual Conference on Nutrition and Dietetics – Started 4 years ago, the activity is a chance to provide updates in the field of nutrition and dietetics and re-echo national seminars attended by faculty members.
4. Field Trips – At least once a year, CHET students go for educational tours. Common sites for BS Nutrition & Dietetics students are St. Luke’s Hospital Dietary Department, Philippine Airlines Catering Services, UP Diliman Food Services, KLG International and Werdenberg International. BS Home Economics and BS Entrepreneurial Technology students usually visit Jollibee Commissary, Gardenia Bakery, Gourmet Farms, Villar Foundation, Philippine Textile and Research Institute, and Food Development Center among others. For the HRM students, they usually have Baguio tours at the Bencab Museum, Camp John Hay, Baguio Country Club, City Light Hotel, PMA and The Mansion. For their out of town tours, they visit Century Park Hotel, St. Luke’s Hospital, Superferry, Global City, NAIA and Villa Escudero.
5. Testimonial Dinner – Annually, the College gives recognition to the successful board passers in the Licensure Examination for Nutritionist - Dieticians and Licensure Examination for Teachers.
6. Tourism Week - This is a weeklong annual activity held every September that showcase the different skills of the students that includes exhibits of tourist spots in the Philippines through dioramas, trade fair, and competition on table napkin folding, table set-up, table skirting, waitering service, fruit and vegetable carving, dish gardening and flower arrangement.
B. Extension Activities:
1. Nutri-Clinic - Services include nutritional assessment (weight, height, body fat, dietary) and dietary counselling. Schedule changes every semester to fit the vacant and relevant laboratory periods of concerned faculty members and students. Services may be done at the Nutri-Clinic, CHET Lobby such as during Health & Nutrition Fairs and even outside the school such as during La Trinidad Fiesta/Health Fairs or Healthy Lifestyle activities, as may be invited.
2. Community-based Home Enterprise Technology Trainings (CHETT) – Various home economics and nutrition – related activities are conducted at an adapted community or any community who requests for such.
3. Consultancy & Expert Services (CES) – Faculty members and staff are invited as lecturers/resources persons or trainers within or outside the university as well as over the radio and on television.
4. Student Community Outreach Program (SCOP) – Students may conduct or assist in seminars, trainings, demonstrations or existing programs in selected communities. Activities may be requested by the community or initiated by the students.
5. Skills Application Training Program (SATP) - This is a practical skills training intended for students, workers and other interested groups.